
HobbyIn Seoul Grand Park, Botanical Gardens & DV8

HobbyIn Seoul Grand Park, Seoul, South Korea

A while ago I visited HobbyIn in Seoul Grand Park. It's located at or near the bottom of the hill just up from the chair lifts on your right.
Filled with fantastic models this is a great place for any current or "retired" :) model enthusiast! There are hundreds of models from planes, cars and ships to vehicles and Gundam robots. All (or most) of the models are encased in glass so it is a little difficult to get a great shot with your camera as you have to find the perfect angle to escape glare. I forget the cost though :/ it maybe 6,000 or 7,000 won entrance fee? But anyway is a bit of excitement for the weekend :)

Here is the link:


Check out my video slide show here of the models:

Botanical Gardens Seoul Grand Park, Seoul, South Korea

Further up the hill are also the botanical gardens. A large area filled with flowers and plants as well as a smaller area where you can watch a sheep and dog show as well as feed some goats and sheep. There is also a small Zoo opposite the gardens where you can see some monkeys and horses. Seoul Land Adventure Park is also further on up the hill but I didn't get there this time. Maybe this year I will go on another adventure and visit Seoul Land and tell you about it :)








And probably the best flower picture I have taken: :)


Alright so you want to know how to get there?

Seoul Grand Park Station Line 4 Exit 2

Here are the official links:

DV8 Can We Talk About This Review LG Arts Center Seoul South Korea

Unfortunately as I write this the run on this show has ended. It was held at the LG Arts Centre in Seoul and was something I have never even imagined seeing before. It was a serious political piece on Islam and Muslim values set in Britain and how multiculturalism was at odds with preserving British values. It illustrated how being tolerant of the values of other cultures that at times are contrary to the values of Britain could spark violent racial division. The piece also touched on some European nations facing similar issues.
The oddity was that is was a Physical Theatre piece in that while the performers were delivering the serious content they were bobbing and weaving, standing on their heads and posing at strange angles. It was quite surreal at the beginning and it reminded me of a Monty Python skit. However despite my initial confusion or surprise I was thoroughly entertained and transfixed with the content. I am not quite sure what the Korean audience thought about it as the pace of the English speech was blistering, the content I would say not familiar with the Korean culture and the British aspect, well Korean seem to be more familiar with American culture. I found the performance thoroughly refreshing with a more familiar British feel to it, heavy though provoking content and a delivery that was fantastic. If you get a chance to see this show I would recommend that you do.


Well that is all for this week :)
More excitement to come in the next few months. I will keep you up to date with events and dates of shows ahead of time.
Have a fantastic week and see you next time! :)

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